You can get rid of the extra and unwanted poems within 8 minutes with the Akvet hair removal cream produced via B-Box technology.

The purpose of use

Akvet hair removal cream removes unwanted and extrared hair on the skin in 8 minutes with Akvet hair removal cream.

If you want to get rid of the wax and pain that comes with it and get rid of the hair that’s in no pain, your choice of Akvit Cream to remove the hair and product via B-B-Box technology will be your best choice.<P< “Clear” and healthy skin<“P=””> Hair removal cream that prevents hair from appearing for at least 25 days in certain areas of your body, Once you’ve used it regularly and properly, it will help you get the look as good as you want. So most of what women complain about since ancient times and to this day is the excess notice, It will be able to be overridden and removed with a hair removal cream that does not contain chemicals but is completely natural and healthy. You can use Akvet cream to remove hair with comfort and safety for pure, silky skin.</p<>

Hair remover removes completely unwanted hair. After it is removed, it will not appear again for 25 days. And after it appears light.

You should definitely try the hair remover.

Form of use

Give it to the area you want to get rid of the hair! Don’t paint it up and down, but with a light pressure on your hands.

Wait about 8-10 minutes, Then wash it in the opposite direction.

Weight 1 kg