REVOX + DermaPeel Pyemytail Shampoo Range with Biotin and Collagen for Hair Condensation and Hair Treatment Fall + Silk Face Fiber from Dermapelle, 400 ml


  • REVOX horsetail shampoo with biotin and collagen to intensify hair and treat flax, 400 ml
  • DermaPeel Silk Face Shower Fiber


Biotin: Provides strengthening of broken and broken hair and protects against hair loss and loss.

Ponytail plant extract: Helps accelerate hair growth and prevent hair loss. At the same time gives shiny hair and size, Reform is supported.



Method of use:

For dead skin.

  • Wash dermaPeel fiber with hot water without using soap.
  • Let your skin soften for 3 minutes without using soap, or the bathing generation, And so on, Leave the water for 1 minute until your skin is ready for the softening process.
  • Soften the DermaPeel fiber on your skin with smooth movements.
  • You’ll see the dead skin peel off.
  • You can continue washing normally.
  • Ideal for using fiber per week to remove dead skin.

to prevent the formation of cellulite.

It is recommended that fiber be used often in the problem area.

Weight 1 kg
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